This race  is not about me. It’s about you.  I’m running for the simple reason that our district’s values and best interests are not being well-represented. Our current representative, Melissa Provenzano, is many things. She’s charming, well-connected, and well-funded.  She’s a democrat, though you’ll never hear her say it.  But the most important thing about her – all you really need to know about her – is her voting record.  She doesn’t stand for Oklahoma values, and she doesn’t stand for you. And that’s not OK.

Strengthen Our Schools

HB 2775: Boosts funding for Oklahoma public schools by $500 million, including raises of up to $6,000 for teachers based on their experience. It also provides extra support for underfunded schools and invests in programs like STEM education, while rewarding high-performing teachers with merit-based bonuses.

Provenzano voted NO

When Representative Provenzano voted against House Bill 2775, she voted against critical funding that would have supported Oklahoma’s teachers and students. Her vote denied much-needed pay raises for educators and extra resources for underfunded schools, putting our children’s education at risk.

The Strong Readers Act

SB 362: Supports training teachers and tutoring students in the Science of Reading including phonological awareness. Similar legislation has moved Mississippi from 49th to 21st in the US over the last ten years.

Provenzano did NOT vote

As a former educator, Representative Provenzano should be endorsing literacy and advocating for the Science of Reading. She did not sponsor the bill, and she did not vote for it.

School Safety

HB 2903: Establishment of a School Resource Officer Program to place trained law enforcement in schools, and physical security enhancements

Provenzano voted NO

Representative Provenzano voted against providing essential security upgrades and trained School Resource Officers to protect Oklahoma’s students. She denied schools the funding needed for vital safety measures like security cameras, improved gates, and even storm shelters, putting students at greater risk in emergency situations.

Private Property Protection

SB 1994: Protects rights of property owners against illegal squatters.

Provenzano voted NO

Representative Provenzano voted to make it easier for squatters to illegally occupy private property and harder for property owners to evict them.

Tax Relief for Low Income Earners

HB 2950: Exempts income tax for the first $13,350 of income for single filers and $27,100 for joint filers. Unlike Federal Income Tax, Oklahoma currently taxes its citizens starting at $7,500 of income

Provenzano voted NO

Representative Provenzano touts her support for families, but she voted against the legislation to provide tax relief to low income earners.

Driver Protection from Protestors

HB 1674: Provides protection for drivers threatened by protesters blocking the roadway.

Provenzano voted NO

Thus  leaving Oklahoma drivers at the mercy of protestors – sometimes violent and often hired and imported from other states.

Women's Bill of Rights

HB 1449: Protect women's privacy and safety by clarifying that biological sex is determined at birth.

Provenzano voted NO

Her vote was to leave the door open to allow men/boys into women/girls’ private spaces, athletic teams, domestic violence shelters and detention facilities.

Sovereignty of Oklahoma

SB 426: Prevents imposition of mandates upon Oklahoma Citizens from the UN, WHO or WEF

Provenzano voted NO

Her vote undermined Oklahoma’s sovereignty and leaves the Citizens of Oklahoma subject to mandates from unelected, foreign organizations.

Election Integrity

SB 523: Ensure that our robust and secure election process is safe from fraud.

Provenzano voted NO

Oklahoma has one of the most secure election processes in the country. However, Rep. Provenzano opted to leave the door open to election interference.

Judicial Integrity

SJR 34: Removes unelected special interest groups from the selection process for Oklahoma judges and justices.

Provenzano voted NO

Representative Provenzano voted against putting the selection of judicial officers solely in the hands of the People’s elected representatives.

Oklahoma Parental Choice

HB 1934: Increases parental control over educational choices, improves access to diverse schooling options, and supports families financially in pursuing the best education for their children.

Provenzano voted NO

Representative Provenzano’s voted against empowering parents to choose the best educational path for their children. Her vote limited options for parents (particularly those in lower-income brackets) to pursue a better education for their children.

Prohibit Unauthorized Encampments

SB 1854: Addressed homeless encampments in Oklahoma by prohibiting unauthorized camping on state-owned lands

Provenzano voted NO

Representative Provenzano voted against improving public safety by preventing unauthorized camps on state-owned land. By opposing this bill, she rejected a balanced approach that offers compassionate assistance to homeless individuals which could have left both the public and vulnerable populations at greater risk.

Preventing Votes from Undocumented

SB 377: Preventing non-citizens from voting and ensuring that only eligible U.S. citizens remain on voter rolls.

Provenzano voted NO

Representative Provenzano opposed protecting the integrity of Oklahoma’s elections. She was not in favor of preventing non-citizens from voting and maintaining accurate voter registration rolls, which raises concerns about her commitment to ensuring fair and secure elections.

Addressing Illegal Immigration

HB 3195: Strengthened cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities by ensuring compliance with immigration detainer requests. It also would have provided transparency for detainees and protected U.S. citizens, making the process clearer and more consistent across the state.

Provenzano voted NO

By voting against HB 3195, my opponent chose not to support stronger cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities. As a result she actively opposed measures that would help keep Oklahoma communities safer by ensuring better enforcement of immigration laws and transparency for those detained.

Fair & Flexible School Choice

SB 783: Makes it easier for families to choose the best public school for their children by allowing year-round student transfers, regardless of their home address. It also adds transparency by requiring schools to publish available spots and gives parents the ability to appeal transfer denials, ensuring a fairer and more flexible process for everyone.

Provenzano voted NO

By voting against SB 783, my opponent chose to limit parents’ ability to find the best educational opportunities for their children, keeping families tied to schools based on their zip code. This decision ignored the need for greater flexibility and transparency that could help students thrive in schools that better meet their individual needs

Support Oklahoma Teachers

HB 4388: Supporting Oklahoma teachers by offering them significant pay raises and career growth opportunities without leaving the classroom. It creates new certification levels—advanced, lead, and master—where teachers can earn up to $40,000 in extra salary, with funding coming from the state’s lottery. Plus, it encourages mentoring and professional development, helping both experienced and newer teachers thrive.

Provenzano voted NO

By voting against House Bill 4388, my opponent chose not to support Oklahoma teachers in receiving well-deserved pay raises and career advancement opportunities. This decision effectively opposed efforts to address the state’s teacher shortage and provide our educators with the financial incentives they need to stay in the classroom and mentor the next generation.

Protect Businesses from Retail Theft

SB 1450: Helps protect businesses by cracking down on organized retail theft. It lowers the felony threshold for theft, making it easier to prosecute offenders, and creates a task force to study and combat these crimes. The bill also boosts law enforcement efforts by allowing the Attorney General to hire more agents dedicated to investigating retail crime.

Provenzano voted NO

By voting against Senate Bill 1450, my opponent chose to side against protecting Oklahoma businesses from organized retail theft and to allow crime rates to continue rising, making it harder for law enforcement to effectively address these growing threats. This decision jeopardizes the safety and success of local businesses.

Increase Tax Credits for School Donations

SB 1080: Increase funding for Oklahoma schools by raising the cap on tax credits for donations 10X, benefiting both public and private schools. This allows more families, especially those with low incomes, to access scholarships and gives schools the resources to create innovative programs, improving educational opportunities for students across the state.

Provenzano voted NO

Representative Provenzano voted against giving Oklahoma families more educational choices and the chance for their children to attend better schools, regardless of income. Her vote also blocked much-needed funding for innovative programs in public schools, denying students opportunities to succeed in areas like STEM and technology.

Opponent’s Voting Records

Protect business from COVID lawsuits
SB 1946 5/14/2020
Ease regulation on oil and gas producers
HB 2034 5/04/2022
Prohibit Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel
HB 3967 3/03/2020
Reduce personal income tax by .25% (would my opponent actually support tax reductions?)
HB2962 05/18/2021
Prohibit prejudice against individuals based on historical context from being taught in public schools
HB 1775 5/10/2021
Prohibit biological boys being able to compete in girls’ sports
HB 4245 3/23/2022
Prohibit biological boys from using girl’s bathroom and locker rooms
SB615 5/19/2022
Establish advanced teacher certificates with increased pay
HB4388 05/20/2022
Allow parents to send students to the public school that best meets needs (does my opponent support choice?)
SB783 03/31/2021
Protects against unauthorized migrants with outstanding warrants from evading federal authorities
HB 3195 2/10/2020
Protections for drivers threatened by protesters blocking roadway
HB 1674 3/09/2021
Federal Overreach
Election integrity improvements
SB 523 4/27/2022
Require voter ID to request absentee ballots
HB3364 05/16/2022
Allow places of worship to set their own policies on closing during emergencies
HB2648 03/03/2021
Safeguard free speech on Oklahoma college campuses
SB631 03/03/2021
Require high school students to study Constitution
HB2030 03/08/2021
Allow attorney general to attack federal executive orders when they infringe on 10th Amendment
HB 1236 5/18/2021
Mother and child protection
Abortion: Mandatory rape reporting
HB 2591 2/11/2019
Abortion: Restrictions SB 1503 4/28/2022
Second Amendment Rights
Allow teachers to carry weapons at school
HB 2336 3/13/2019
Prohibit Red Flag Laws
SB 1081 5/15/2020
Permit Constitutional carry
HB 2597 2/13/2019