A first-generation American, the son of parents who experienced the devastation of Nazi-occupied Netherlands during World War II, Paul Hassink recognizes freedom is at risk with Washington DC’s liberal agenda. We cannot afford to have a Democrat State Representative win again – our state’s actions should be based on preserving the freedoms that were secured by our Constitution. As many who fled to our shores say, “if we lose our freedom here, there is nowhere else to go.”

A regulatory affairs expert with decades of management success in industry, Paul shared his expertise nationally to protect our power grid. While Democrats push the Green New Deal, Licensed Professional Engineer Paul Hassink knows we must fix our aging infrastructure based on what Oklahomans need, not what DC dictates.

After a successful career of bringing reliable electrical power to the people, Paul Hassink will work to return constitutional power to the people!

Paul and his wife Pamela have raised six successful children and have seventeen grandchildren. They are committed pro-life Christians and dedicated members of the Church of St. Mary. Paul is an active member of the Knights of Columbus, and he serves the community through the Home Improvement Ministry. Paul earned his Eagle Scout, graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and attained his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University.

Experience Matters