A Personal Note…
Dear Friends,
Thank you for giving me a few moments to tell you about my father, Paul Hassink, and how he has shown his care and commitment for our family through the years. He truly has a heart for service and is a tireless champion for families and our community. He has been an Oklahoma resident for almost three decades, and, together with our mom, Pamela. raised six children in the Tulsa community. He helped each of us individually navigate paths to success, and not only cared for our family, but helped more people than we can count, changing lives for the better.
Women’s Healthcare
My sister, Hillary, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma when she was 19 years old. Cancer is a terrifying diagnosis, no matter the age, and there were a lot of difficult decisions that had to be made, especially around issues specific to women. Not only was my dad by Hillary’s side throughout the intense treatment process, but he helped her navigate those difficult decisions with fervent faith, complete trust, and prayer. His ability to understand women’s healthcare needs stems from his personal experience advocating for access to health care during Hillary’s battle against cancer, which has now been in remission for over 10 years!
The Value of Hard Work
My 8-year-old daughter has an anecdote she likes to share about how my dad taught her to swing higher. He put his hand above her as a target to reach. As she met each goal, he would raise the level so she would have to strive harder. My dad has always encouraged us to aim for the highest goals, but also emphasized that hard work is required to achieve those goals. My sister, Diana, started playing volleyball at the age of ten. She worked hard for eight years to achieve the goal of playing volleyball in college, and my dad, who was her loudest cheerleader, encouraged her to reach even higher. She was designated as an All-American athlete by the time she graduated! There are a lot of issues surrounding women’s sports, one among them being recognition and prevention of unfair advantage. My dad understands, through his experience with Diana, how devastating it would have been if she had been unable to achieve her hard-earned goal due to someone else’s unfair advantage.
Education is a high priority for my dad. As we made our way through elementary, secondary, undergraduate, and, in some cases, graduate school, he was a constant support. He recognized that we each had unique learning styles and learning needs; education takes more than a one-size-fits-all approach. The number of papers edited, calculus problems solved, and scientific concepts explained over the combined 100+ years of schooling is hard to fathom. But he didn’t just limit his focus to academic achievements; my dad also worked tirelessly to help us obtain the knowledge and skills we would need for lifelong success. As a testament to his dedication, we have collectively earned six post-graduate degrees and work in the fields of healthcare, research, and engineering, using our blessings to make the world a better place.
My dad has been a consistent, strong Christian leader in our family and community. Take a moment to visit his website or Facebook page to read some of the comments made by business associates, friends, and family, and please entrust him with your vote in the November 8th election! He is as eager to help Oklahoma navigate the path to success just as he was to help each of us navigate our own.
Johanna Rudolph
Please read this note from my daughter. She was thrilled to endorse her grandpa

Posted: September 19, 2022